What is Transcription Job

Transcription company is a company that provides high-quality transcription services for various industries and clients. You can do these online typing job or transcription job working from home.

Their main goal is to accurately transcribe audio or video files into written text. This is typically done by using human transcribers who have expertise in different fields and industries.

When a client submits an audio or video file for transcription, the company assigns the task to a skilled transcriber who listens to the recording and accurately transcribes the spoken words into written text. The transcriber then reviews the transcript to ensure accuracy, clarity, and completeness.

I will recommend three such company which provides work from home transcription job with decent earning opportunity

Triple A transcription

Triple A Transcription Service is an Australian based company that provides nationwide high quality transcription services to various industries. They specialize in various types of transcripts, allied health, media, research and academia, in addition to business, recruitment and conferences.

Triple A transcription companies also prioritize affordability and availability, meaning that they strive to offer competitive pricing and fast turnaround times for their clients.

Additionally, they may offer additional services such as time coding, editing, and proofreading to ensure that the final transcript meets the client’s specific needs and requirements.

You can go to their website here and apply for open position

Daily Transcription

Daily Transcription is a transcription company that provides high-quality transcription services for various industries and clients. Their primary focus is on transcribing audio and video files into written text.

They offer a range of transcription services such as legal transcription, academic transcription, business transcription, and medical transcription. In addition to standard transcription services, Daily Transcription also provides services such as closed captioning, subtitling, and translation services.

You can apply here to work as a freelancer transcription expert

Benefits of working with Daily Transcription

Work from home from any where and whenever you want.

weekly payment for your assignment whereas most other companies pay bi-weekly, monthly, or only once clients pay them.

Higher rates than our competitors.

Receive training, feedback, and coaching. Collaborate with like-minded others and learn from the best.

Spend more time with family while you earn extra income for your household.

As a transcriptionist you can make anywhere from $350- $1250 per week.

Happy Scribe

HappyScribe is a transcription and captioning company that provides automated transcription services for audio and video files. The company uses advanced speech recognition technology to transcribe recordings quickly and accurately.

When a client uploads an audio or video file to HappyScribe, the platform automatically transcribes the recording into written text. The client can then edit the transcript using an intuitive online editor, which allows for easy editing and formatting of the text.

HappyScribe offers a range of services, including transcription, subtitling, and captioning in various languages. The platform also allows clients to download their transcriptions in a range of file formats, including Word, PDF, and SRT.

How to work from home as a freelance transcriber?

1. Complete the sign up process. Fill the details and select the language of your choice.

2. There will be a Skill Check to assess your transcription skills, you will have to proofread the transcript of a sample file.

3. After review your application. If you are a good fit, company will reach out by email.

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