You are worried about How to get traffic for your blog in 2023? I can read your mind.

I can understand your concern

You have created your website. But not able to get enough traffic.

Am I correct?

This is not only your problem. It is a frequently asked questions from many new bloggers.

So don’t worry at all. I am here to help you.

Nothing is impossible in this world. I am going to tell you some proven tips and tricks to get your audience.

Let me clarify one thing .Before getting traffic for your website you should know what to do with the traffic .How to use your website traffic and capitalize them to earn money.

Yes ,don’t allow your traffic to just visit and left your website. Engage them with some thing interesting ,something useful so that they will hang on and do some activities in your blog.

We will discuss this in details.

First I have to explain you the basic things before going to complex and tricky part.

What Exactly is Website Traffic

You know the concept of website traffic .But still let me tell you once again.

In simple term number of audience who visit a website are called website traffic. You can calculate the traffic on daily, monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

The website traffic plays a significant roles for success of your blog.

Google analytic tool can be used to get the statistic of your website traffic.

Now question is why a person visit your website or any specific website ?Because the person wants to learn something or to get some information.

Yes every person expects to get genuine and correct information for a specific topic in internet .Your website fulfils that requirement .If The visitor satisfied with the information ,he becomes a regular visitor .

Let me summarize below

4 Important Reason to get Traffic in Your Website

1.Value addition-(how to Get Traffic)

There are huge number of websites available in virtual world. They provide different kind of information or topic according to their Niche. The point here is how much value addition a website can do for their potential audience .

Traffic can come to your blog in many different ways. There are organic traffic , social media traffic ,referral traffic and paid traffic .

Once you are able to provide some valuable information which fulfil the need of a visitor ,then you will build credibility for your website.

2.Reputation of a Brand

People always prefer a popular brand or name .

Yes something which is already tried and tested is the first priority of audience. For example if you provide review a reputed product ior service in your blog , you will get spontaneous visitor.

People search for iPhone ,iPad, Samsung mobile , best keyword research tool, best word press theme or best hosting provider .If you cover them you will able to attract audience.

3.Unique content-(how to Get Traffic)

Unique contents have best demand in market.

If you deliver something which is not available in other website, then you are a winner. I know creating unique content is bit challenging .There are huge amount of information already available in Internet. So it is difficult to ensure that your blog content is 100% unique.

But still you can put your best effort on this to create something different and genuine .

4.Research and Analysis

Yes , sometime you have to put bit more effort.

People always don’t like plane information. They need a detailed analysis for a topic.

Research based information with proper example, flowchart, image or video can make a excellent blog.

Many people don’t have enough time to gather required and accurate data from different source. They just look for a platform which put together all these data with in-depth analysis for them. If they get this from your blog they not only will use for themselves but also share these information to friends, families, social network contact etc.

I hope by now you have a pretty good idea about website traffic.

But I am not going to end the article here .

My aim is to give a complete guidance on website traffic from every possible angle.

Yes, let me discuss one of the most important aspect of website traffic that is source of traffic. If you understand clearly from where your traffic is coming to your blog ,you can work on this strategically.

You can plan on each of the source to generate more traffic for your website.

So let me give clear explanation on Source of Website Traffic

Traffic Source for Website

Search Engines like Google and Yahoo

Can you answer which is the most popular search engine ?

Yes, I know it is very easy to answer .Obvious answer is- Google.

Google is the most popular search engine. To search anything in internet people step in to search engine like Google and Yahoo. During there browsing or search process they come across many website. One of them can be your website .

Search engine provides you free traffic.

If you explore this source of traffic and work on this correctly, you can able to get huge number of free traffic. Search engine works based on certain set of algorithm or other rules. You have to make your website competitive and SEO friendly to get traffic from search engine.

Simply writing a good blog in your website is not enough to get traffic from search engine.

You have to work hard and in a right manner to rank you website in first page of Google. This is part of a bigger topic called search engine optimization (SEO) which I will cover in another article.

Social network

You must have an account in Facebook or Instagram. Right?

So you know the power of social media. You have certainly build a network of your friends and relative in your Facebook or Instagram account. They can be your blog audience.

It is needless to say that social media is another great source to generate traffic for your blog and website.

In social network site you can share your blogpost to get traffic. Here this is a never ending process. If your content is helpful and engaging ,people will re share your post to other group and social page. You will get view ,comments ,feedback and interact with people in social media.

Last but not least you mange to build friendship as well as loyal audience with social media.

Referral and Backlink

Sometimes people come to your through referral link mentioned in any other website.

Referral link simply redirect the visitors to your website. This is a good way of generating some traffic for your website and blog.

You can also create backlink for your website. People who work on SEO Strategy know the importance of backlinks .Good Backlinks generate extra traffic for your and improve your site authority.

So once you start working on SEO of your website ,do extra effort to build quality backlinks.

Positive Feedback

You can get traffic by positive feedback and word of mouth.

At initial stage only few people will visit your blog. If they are satisfied with your content they will refer this content with others. You know how some Bollywood movies becomes super hit at box office without much marketing effort.

Yes, word of mouth help a good movie to grow slowly and steadily. to became a huge success at box office.

Same thing can happen to your blog also. If your blog content help someone with any specific topic ,he will share this experience to others.

Ok, now let us come to most important part of this article

How to get traffic for your blog ? Carefully follow all the below steps

Steps to Get Traffic on Your Website

1.Find Your Target Audience

Yes, very crucial first step is to know your target audience. Finding your audience is the foundation of your success.

This is not a one time activity. You have to select your target audience while selecting the domain and Niche itself. This process will continue through out your blogging career.

Who To Target?

This is the most important strategic question for your blog. Targeted visitor are the people who actually visit your website again and again. Random visitors will come and go and mostly one time visitor. Creating a long term loyal reader base is the best thing to plan for you website to grow.

When you know your audience, you can able to help them with your blog post. You can able to deliver good and targeted content for them.

For example, you write about-How to make money or Job related topic. So your target audience are people who are unemployed and searching for Job or job related information.

Lastly I will suggest don’t go for any paid traffic or audience for your website. You will waste your money and credibility. These short term tricks will not work for getting organic visitor for your blog.

I hope you understand the point .Your blog will work only if you know your audience and target them.

2.Select Your Social Media

We know there are lot of social network platform.

We also know the power of social media. But probably many of us don’t know how to use social media effectively for our blog.

I agree that you all have accounts in various social media network. You are using them for quite a long period. But still many of you may not aware how to leverage social media channels.

select wisely Social media channel for getting traffic.

Yes, select your correct social media channel and dominate that space .

It does not matter that you are in Facebook, tweeter, Instagram, linked in or YouTube. The matter is how impactful is your presence.

Choose your Social network wisely, at least for your website. If your blog mostly has video content ,you can use YouTube and Facebook predominantly as your primary Social media platform.

You have to decide what is best for you and channelize your traffic .

3.Email Marketing

Build your email lists.

Needless to say that email marketing is one of the most effective strategy to increase your traffic. People who subscribed to your blog are your loyal audience.

They follow your content because they liked it .

Now its your job to maintain that relationship with your audience .Email list will be handy for this.

You can send them regular updates and newsletter on your blog .The purpose is even though your visitor have not book marked your website link ,they will get regular updates .When they see your updates in their email box, they usually click the link and visit your blog instantly.

This is a very effective Strategy to build your regular traffic . You can use this trick to drive your existing customers to your website

4.Build Relationship With Influencers

This is another powerful strategy to get traffic.

Engage with experienced fellow Blogger in your Niche. They actually influence the industry with there knowledge and years of practical experience in the respective topic .

Follow them. Gain knowledge from them. Build a cordial relationship with them. They may be motivational guru, health expertise expert ,Finance consultant, you have to pick your ideal guru and take advice from them. Closely follow their ideas, articles, blog, webinar, podcast, offline or online sessions.

Not only read their content, share the content to others. Spread their message in social media like Facebook, twitter, YouTube.

In this way they will know you as a loyal follower. They will interact with you and help you in your blogging journey.

They will whole heartedly support you and show you right path to became a successful blogger .

Finally more people will know you. You will get traffic.

5.Create Valuable Content.

When you give something, you get something.

Here I am telling about your giving attitude. If you really making effort to providing something useful to audience, it will add value to their life.

If your visitors find your content useful, they will never forget your blog and visit your blog again and again for more content.

So there is no alternative to great content. It does not matter in which niche or topic you are writing .Reader should enjoy your article .

If you are doing technology review like Mobile and laptop or online tool, your content should help audience to take decision to buy best product.

If you are giving beauty tips or health tips, it should help people to maintain a good health and glamour.

All this depends on how genuine and authentic your content is .

Do you know why we we want traffic on our website?

Because we all wants to grow with our website.

So create valuable content regularly. Make the content more attractive by referring useful content from other website.

Never discontinue.

This consistency impress your audience. They follow you whole heartedly because your changing their life continuously with your blog.

You will grow if your audience grow.

I can mention here two advantage to others with your website

Value Addition for Audience: your blog visitor wants to solve their problem with your solution. So readers get benefit

Helping Brands and Companies: When you are referring related product link and online tool in your blog, Companies notice you and recognize your effort. Because you are doing advertisement for their good product. They share your content in social media .

6.Use Pictures and Image in your Blog Article

You know the impact of a visual object is much more than words.

A image can actually describes thousand words.

A Picture can truly demonstrate and convey the message on your blog. Image in the blog make your content more enjoyable, more valuable. it gives audience a pleasant learning experience while going through your blog.

Yes ,Image helps in getting traffic .Images engage your visitor to stay little longer in your website and blog.

Most importantly image plays a significant role to rank your blog Page in search engines.

Sometimes you see that when you search for any image in Google and click the image link, it will drive you to a particular website or blog .So you understand that your blog can generate traffic on the particular image.

Without image the article is dull .You miss the change here tot drive traffic while searching the image.

Using Image in article is a excellent SEO strategy. It is trial and tested formula to get traffic

So implement this .This is one of the answer to your question -how to Get Traffic

You can get free stock image from various free image portal. You can also build your customized image

Canva is a excellent tool to create customized graphic and image to use in your blog and website.

Finally I can confirm. that well written content supported with great image can give you huge number of Organic traffic.

7.Getting Paid Traffic

Sounds good?

Yes or no?

May be you are not happy with this method of spending money to get traffic .Right ?

Because till now I have described you free methods for getting traffic.

But truly speaking getting paid traffic is one of the popular method or strategy in recent times.

You have to leverage various online advertising tool available in the market. Some of the tools are very professional and efficient .They can give you paid traffic in no times .

Their well planned campaign can take your business to next level.

So spending few bucks on online advertising tools is not a bad idea.

You have to tell them how to handle your campaign. They will ask for your input to add specific criteria and measures to reach your advertisement to quality audience.

Spending money is not bad. If you can use these advertising network effectively, with less traffic also you can generate good conversion for your product.

So consider this seriously.

Final Word-Your Responsibility

Everybody wants traffic .

I have explained here all possible ways to get traffic .Getting traffic is not a big deal.

Important point is how to utilize your traffic for your benefit .If thousands of people visit your website without helping you to earn money then how you will grow with these traffic?

So try to create funnel and front channel to engage your visitor. Even though your visitor are few in numbers, if you can utilize them for your benefit ,you will get good conversion or sales for your affiliate product

At initial stage , getting thousand of visitors for your website is priority

Once you achieve this ,your maintenance cost and hosting cost increase. You have to upgrade your hosting plan to handle your growing traffic.

So you need to use the best web hosting or cloud hosting to give your visitor best experience.

You have to decide and plan how to get quality traffic who can give you best result.

Work on it .

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