Farming and Agriculture in 2023 !!

Isn’t it sounds very interesting?

Something which is easy to hear, but it requires your blood and energy to build.

This eleven-letter word “Agriculture” in reality feeds 7 billion of people of this world.

You know we consider farming as a religious work in our India. Farming is a noblest profession of this planet. It is like a mountain with no top, it allows people to climb more and more.

It is like an endless chain where you have completed your 90% and still you have to go another 100% to reach the destination. That’s the beauty of farming.

One famous person had once given a statement that “We Are What We Eat”. And so, with this remark, the term farming goes well.

India is improving and so the cultivation techniques. With the rise and shine nature of India, humans are developing their concerns, methods of performing, lifestyle, etc.

With this growing technology, somewhere India is lagging. Here comes the farming career in the frame. Keeping in mind the various aspects of agriculture, we should give farmers a podium to show their ability to the nation. India is still struggling in agriculture. Nowadays thousands of news channel are dealing with this topic.

People are examining all the problems of the farmers in every social media platform, but not a single person is ready to come up with a solution. So, to remove this problem people

with an educational background are working day and night. Present era is coming up with new technologies

Farming and Agriculture

Can,t we create some major changes in farming?

Yes, we the common man of India can create a significant transformation in Farming and Agriculture

It is wrong to say that we can, whereas humans have already introduced. If you put a little focus all around, all the educated
individuals have started the career in farming in their free hours. Even some families who are successfully established in large IT sectors
have now decided and even started using their education in the field of agriculture as a permanent career.

It is an ancient thought that people who are into farming are poor and uneducated. But with the flying time, educated individuals have moved up with the present technology to modify the old thought process of humans.

Farming and Agriculture

Technology is something before whom all our guards come down. It’s not like that, all farmers are educated and have proper knowledge
about present technology, but most of the village people who are poor and uneducated are into this farming profession.

So, people who are educated have come up with their own thoughts and modern technical ideas to bring out drastic change in the agricultural field.
Sometimes, you choose the tough path only because we feel that to achieve important things, we have to take the tough path. We feel that we need to punish ourselves.

But why? Why not choose the simple way out? when we are not prepared for the tough path. So, with this people have come with so many easy technologies that have changed the area of farming so easy.

Profitable Ideas in Farming and Agriculture

To make farming easier and more profitable, educated people have come up with tremendous numbers of idea. Let’s see the ideas one by one

1.Planting Services

Educated people are trying to gather all the experience and skills that are needed to be a successful farmer. They
have moved towards Polyhouse and Plastic mulch, Honeybee boxes and many more.

Polyhouse-It is a tunnel like structure made from stee l and covered in polyethylene. They are basically semi-circular or elongated in shape. It is a type of greenhouse where the plants can grow under controlled climatic conditions. Polyhouse is much cheaper as compared with the Greenhouse.

Farming and Agriculture

Plastic Mulch-The word “Mulch” is a layer of material applied to the surface of the soil. Plastic mulch is a type of inorganic mulch. This method is highly being used in home gardens too. This type of plastic mulch uses polyethylene film. It is basically used in berry and vegetable plant production.

Honeybee boxes-This is also a new innovative method which is being invented by people with their own ideas and study. A box
known as honey box is being placed on certain areas for honey cultivation. Initially people started with one honey box and
collected pure honey. Gradually they have increased the number of boxes and earned more profit and good amount of honey.

Career in Farming

2.Trainings, Seminars, Workshops

Modern people follow a simple formula.

They stop worrying about how to get opportunities rather starts thinking about how to create more opportunities. People who have quit their regular profession and joined farming as a permanent job have started applying their technology in this farming profession.

Educated business man have started organizing training, seminars and several workshops for the other farmers. these trainings they are trying to teach people the modern method and technologies by which they can earn and grow more.

There is a Permaculture course in USA which provides education to the people to keep an eco-friendly farm sustainable. Farmers who are educated and have a good communication skill are even more beneficial to our society.

They have proposed a new course and started implementing in the schools where the students can have a chance to visit the farms once in a week and spend their time in the live field. This way they can understand and change their perspective towards this profession.

3.Organic farming

Organic Farming came into the picture in the 20th century with the rapidly changing farming practices.

This concept of organic farming was introduced by Sir Albert Howard, F.H.King, Rudolf Steiner and others. They have different prospective regarding farming. Now this present era is following this technique with many more additional technologies.

Organic farming is an agricultural technique which involves less use of pesticides, fertilizers, antibiotics. This farming method promotes agro-ecosystem health, including biodiversity, soil activity, biological cycles and in overall important for the environment. Organic farming methods produce higher yields than the conventional methods.

Career Opportunity in Farming and Agriculture

Starting your career as a farmer is one of the best professions in today’s time.

In additional if you are educated and have a complete knowledge about all the modern technology then you will have a successful career head. Organic farming is one of the fast trending method.

Initially as per the records it was observed that it is one of the fastest growing segments in U.S. agriculture. People are more health conscious now-a-days. So, they put their focus on a healthier lifestyle.

People are getting more attracted towards organic products where there is less or no fertilizers, chemicals involved. This organic farming brings career opportunities such as teaching, training, seminars and many more. People who are educated and have started working as a farmer in their own land, have started giving training to other farmers.

Investment and Income in Farming and Agriculture

Nothing comes for free. One-time investment is required.

Organic farming doesn’t typically require the same high capital investment as that of the conventional farming. Consumers who are attracted towards organic farming are always ready to pay a good handsome amount for a good quality organic product.

Expert people who are very much educated with the present technology are using online delivery methods for the doorstep’s delivery of the customers. Online websites are designed and food are getting delivered. This way the source of income increases.

Third Party Involvement

No middle man involvement is required. Technology is at its peak. With the help of online websites, we don’t need any third part to take part additional advantage. A website built by our educated farmers is capable of doing everything just within a second.

Time Saving

With the help of the gadgets (mobile phones, laptops), our physical energy is stored. Just with a few click our aim gets fulfilled. This saves our valuable time and gives us extra opportunity to work and explore.

Social Media

If we put our focus, present generation is taking the full advantage of the social media platform.

Platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp,LinkedIn are giving fantastic opportunity to showcase our business and helping it grow more and more. We don’t have to search people for our work. Once we publish our ideas on agriculture work in the social media, there are thousands of people who are ready to connect. This all needs an educated man who can handle all the technology smoothly.

Final Words

In today’s time, where people are tired of working for 9 hours in the office and want to have a stress less life can do farming. As it
flourishes our present era with technologies and machineries.

There is a great scope in Farming and Agriculture where you can have an excellent source of income and can enjoy your life by surrounding yourself with the nature.

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