Are short with capital to start a Business ? Are you planning to start profitable Business or career ? Don’t worry. We are going to provide 8 profitable Business/career with very low investment. You can successfully start these business as low as 10000 and generate good amount of profit .You can start these business working from your home .

1.Video Editing and Graphic Design

Profitable career/business with low investment

As internet is now very much affordable and accessible to most of the people now video consumption is increasing rapidly.

If you have the video editing skill then you can market yourself as a Video editing professional.Lots of big youtuber outsourcing their video editing task and looking for skilled people who can edit their video with professional look. It can be a profitable business option with a vey low investment

Graphic designers primarily helps businesses to communicate with customers using visiting card ,video Ad and s logos which instantly provides some idea on the product .

As a graphic designer you can work on product labels, packages ,billboards, and website design with the help of artistic elements such as typography, as negative space, illustrations and photographs.

This profession basically relies heavily on technology, including fonts, video editing software and tools like Photoshop, Corel Draw and digital cameras.

Career opportunities as a Graphic designer include design for print media, mobile device applications, websites, electronic publications and videos. So here there is huge scope for this if you take this as a profitable business/career with a very low investment and start working from you home

You can also create your profile as a Freelancer in various Freelancing site like Upwork , Fiverr, Guru and get work from client across globe.

2. YouTube channel & social media influencer

Profitable career/business with low investment

Creating an YouTube channel is one of the profitable business idea.No money needed and no minimum age required to start a youtube channel

you don’t need a physical office to start a channel. Just a mobile or laptop and a decent internet connection to start your venture. as an youtuber.

People always looking for relevant content online on wide range of topics. It include topic like entertainment, education, cooking ,sports, health, music motivational information etc. You can choose any of these topic of your interest and start making video content .

Later once you have enough subscription and viewership to your channel you can monitize your youtube channel.

Once you are able to monetize your channel ,YouTube sends advertisement on your channel .In this way you can earn money online and work from home

If you are able to scale your channel with few lacs subscribers ,then companies will approach to you for brand promotion in your channel .You can earn lot of money out of this.

3. Affiliate marketing

Profitable career/business with low investment

Affiliate marketing is an online sales Program where you need to partner with a brand and promoter their product online

You just need to promote and recommend their product on various platform and social network site like facebook, instagram, WhatsApp or in your own affiliate website and earn commision out of it .

Earning money online while sitting at home .Vey cool idea. Is not it?

Here with Affiliate marketing you are earning money on product sales without creating products on your own.

No extra skill, education or client interaction is required for this business. you need to take five simple steps to start your affiliate marketing .

Join a good affiliate program and choose which product to promote. They will provide a unique affiliate link for the product.

Then you just need to share these links on your website, social media and blog. Once someone uses your link to make a purchase you will earn commission out of it

Join here Amazon Affiliate Program

4. Content writing & copywriting

Profitable career/business with low investment

Content writing as a career is very profitable and bright if you have the right set of skills as per market requirement.

Career prospect in content writing is not limited to any one particular area and actually expands to diverse and numerous fields

As a content writer you can work for print media, advertising companies , websites belongs to different companies.

The salary can vary person to person and depends more on your personal skills and experience and of course your location.You can develop your work profile as a content writer as any of the below roles

Freelance Content Writer or Blogger

SEO Writer

Creative Writer or Social Media Writer

Proofreading and Editing Professional


There are companies like iwriter who are providing content writing service on a large scale and organized

5. Insurance advisor

career as a insurance advisor

Working as an Insurance advisor is undoubtly career with very low investment option. To start this profession you actually don’t need money to invest or any kind of higher or technical education.

As an insurance advisor yo need to understand the benefit of a insurance policy and complex details of it .

Insurance, is a financial product, which can’t be sold in stores or shops. Insurance advisors here come into the picture who becomes a link between Insurance company and customer. They help customer or individuals in buying a suitable insurance policy as per financial and family status of the person .

As a insurance advisor you earn commission one each policy you sell. It is a kind of passive Income as it will generate a recurring Income as long as the policy holder continues to pay premium till the maturity of the policy.

Now a days lot of Banking and financial companies and big business houses expanded their business to insurance sector .This has provided a big opportunity to Insurance advisors for a profitable career and earn money.

Check here for Insurance advisor in LIC -Life Insurance corporation -India.

6. Coaching & training

Profitable career/business with low investment

If you are passionate about teaching and training then training can be right choice for you. It can be a profitable business with very low investment

Scope of of earning money from a coaching center is huge You can start this from your home itself.

Not only offline but there are lot of scope in online teaching also .Lot of platform like Udemy, Teachable, skill share and many more websites are providing online course for student .So you can work as a instructor in these platfor.

You can create your training module in these platform and sell them to generate revenue.

Another good option is YouTube. You can create your training video and upload them in your YouTube channel to earn advertisement revenue from YouTube

7. Digital marketing

digital marketing career

With almost no investment or very low investment you can start profitable career as Digital Marketing expert.

Digital Marketing is a fast-paced, ever-changing career with unlimited opportunity and professional advancement. Here even if you have no experience or very little experience ,you can consider this career .

Only thing you need to know the concept of digital marketing and gain some knowledge and skill about this field

Digital marketing gradually replacing the conventional marketing. Here simply you have to market a product of a company digitally .

You need to generate sales and lead for the business with mean of various digital tool.

There are numbers of way which you need to learn to market the product like mobile marketing ,email marketing, video marketing ,social media marketing etc .

Digital marketing actually a work from home job which opens door to get paid by building a brand of a company with the help of a internet connection.

8.Web developer

Work from Home, web development

Career in Web development is a Profitable career low Investment Option. You need certain skills to start this career .

Web development all about developing and maintaining websites for hosting via intranet or the internet.

Web Development is a lucrative career option all over world .

Every brand or company need their own platform in digital world to showcase their product .Website is one of the best option to reach the potential customer.

Especially during Covid Pandemic situation , everything is being operated online, Online presence of any small or big brand is almost mandatory .This creates huge opportunity for web developer.

To become a Web Developer you need to be proficient in some programming languages like PHP, JS, Python, Ruby etc..

You can also learn WordPress which is a drag and drop tool to develop and maintain website. It is relatively very easy to learn .The demand for WordPress website is huge .

For developing one website you can charge from 5k to 50k as per size of website and number of pages.

In conclusion

If there is a will, there is a way. In this digital world opportunities are endless. Sky is limit. Money is not a constraint .What you need is some skillset, positive attitude to start something something profitable with very low investment.

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