Work from home is dream of many people .Current digital revolution has made it possible to provides lots of opportunity to earn money while working from home .If you are skilled person and have knowledge in specific area you can start working as online instructor or trainer on various online course providers.

You don’t need to go anywhere to teach. Its a complete work from home job where you need to create your course materials and enroll as an instructor .

In this article I will suggest 5 popular platform who are providing online platform to create and sale courses and earn money out of it .


Work from Home as a online  Instructor

Udemy is the market leader in providing online video contents for almost all area. There are more than one lac courses in Udemy platform. They have courses on personal and professional development, with excellent management training, software tutorials, programming courses, and more.

Udemy welcomes instructors who want to make courses and sell them on the platform. So you just need to create quality course and upload them to Udemy as a instructor.

Udemy takes the responsibility to market your course for greater reach.

Once you enroll to your course you will start generating revenue from Udemy Platform.

Udemy is a huge online training website with over 2 million students worldwide . It allows instructors to design their own training modules and lectures like video lectures, PowerPoint files, PDF and excel documents, audio files, text, etc .

The good point about Udemy is that they don’t charge Instructors to create their courses which they may offer either for free or for a fee. If there is a fee involved, Udemy takes a percentage of that.

So if you can create some course which have really a very good demand in market then lot of student will enroll to the course and you can earn money while working from home

Join Udemy here


Work from Home as a online  Instructor

Teachable is another platform which provides online courses .So it provides opportunity to instructors to earn money while teaching online .

It has more than 2.9 million students, 7600 instructors, and 21000 courses and the platform is getting more and more popularity .Its becoming bigger and better day by day.

The Teachable plan is slightly different here from Udemy. Instructors have to pay a monthly fee to access this platform. Instructor can create their training module and can control the price of the course .

You don,t have to pay teachable any percentage from your sales revenue. Only a fixed Monthly fee they will take to use their platform.

While Udemy doesn’t let instructors control branding and pricing of courses. teachable platform provides that flexibility .and also capitalized on all such limitations from Udemy.

Join Teachable here

Skill Shares

Work from Home, earn online as a instructor

Skillshare is another popular platform and work from home as a online instructor .

Here the subscription model is not like Udemy. Udemy provide enrollment on individual courses. Unlike Udemy Skillshare sells subscriptions for all the available training modules once you enroll to their platform

Some very popular teachers on Skillshare make as high as $45000 annually. You have create a course with two key components —video and class project. You can generate revenue with Skillshare’s Partner Program if you are able to fulfill certain criteria like enrolling at-least 25 learners per class etc.

Skillshare has more than 4 million students and up to 24,000 lessons in various disciplines like Creative arts,Technology,Business and Lifestyle. 

It’s great for instructors who are working in these creative field and want to make a side income while working from home . Instructors can make money with Skillshare,s royalty program and referral program.

Join Skillshare here


Work from Home as a online  Instructor

Working from home as a online instructor is not impossible with another great platform called Thinkific.

Its a excellent platform with a robust set of user-friendly features, email marketing tools, membership site integration for your lessons, and excellent 24/7 customer support. So it is indeed a good choice as you can create and sell your online courses and earn money while working from home.

You can sign up to get a default One Month Free Trial for their most popular Pro Plan.

If you want to sale multiple training modules from initial stage this Pro Plan gives you the ability to create unlimited courses. It has lot of option and features like memberships and bundles, advanced pricing options, landing pages, certificates, and marketing tools.

With Thikifix you create and customize your course with their drag and drop editor.

Join Thinkific here

 Open Sesame

Open Sesame Online platform

Open Sesame is another great option for you as a instructor if you want to earn online .

Here you have to create training programs and courses for business organizations if you are knowledgeable on this field . You can start with a free plan.

Like Udemy Open Sesame will take 50% for all your courses sold. It is a good choice, to begin with, if you don’t have any other source of investment and you want to earn online while working from home

Join Open Sesame

Final word

There are lot many platform available in digital world which actually made the learning easy for student and gives an opportunity to instructors to work from home as a online instructor at your own comfort and earn money without travelling any where.

Now a days due to Covid Pandemic, most of the things gradually moving to online platform. People need to work without any physical proximity and Online platform is the best way to achieve this goal.

I will cover some more such platform in my next articles.

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